1 minute read

I read The New One Minute Manager book by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson based on a recommendation. After talking to some colleagues, I realized this is a famous book. I simply missed it so far.

The book is surprisingly short, only 100 pages long. While it does not require much effort to finish, I was still a bit disappointed with its value ratio.

My biggest problem with the book is its storyline. Yes, it has a storyline despite being a soft-skill book. The story is about a so-called “young man” and a famous “the Manager”. The book is a fictive discussion between them and sometimes with the Manager’s people.

If someone is new to management and looking for a good starting literature, this is a great book. Through the conversations of the characters, the reader can easily understand the points. On the other hand, it makes it lengthier. Yes, I mean this despite being only 100 pages. It would take roughly half of the pages in other books.

What I liked, on the other hand, are the main points. According to the book, a good manager sets so-called “One Minute Goals” together with his people. It is short, exact and clear. It has a due date and fits on a single page.

While people work toward their goals, the manager praises them as soon as possible whenever they did something right. Let them feel good about it and encourages them to do more of the same. This is called the “One Minute Praising” by the book.

The manager also provides “One Minute Re-Directs” when someone makes a mistake.

There are some closing thoughts in the end, but roughly that’s all the book is about.

What I liked the most

  • The mains points of the book are great
  • Good starting book for new or to-be managers

What I didn’t like much

  • The value ratio is low despite being a short book
  • I found the storyline a bit childish
