1 minute read

I was about to have a long drive alone. Depending on the traffic something between 10 and 14 hours. Since I had already consumed some audiobooks during running, I decided to try the same while driving. After some search, I have ended up with Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth. I jumped in the car and drove off.

The book worked well. It contained great stories that kept me awake while driving. The book’s main line was easy to follow and well-structured. But this is unsurprising since the book is about a single word with a single meaning. The entire book is just dancing around it with the thought that IQ and talent is not a predictor of long-term success but grit. Does it demand a 400+ pages long book? Probably not. But was it entertaining? Absolutely.

One notable aspect of the book is the author’s teaching background. She not only shares stories from her experience and research she made but also gives valuable insight into how to develop grit in kids. Therefore, it might be an excellent choice for parents too. Especially if your kids are not gifted since, as it says, grit is usually unrelated or inversely related to talent.

What I liked the most:

  • Easy, well understandable
  • Great stories
  • Kept my attention

What I didn’t like much:

  • Very lengthy, especially compared to the main message of the book
